If you don’t know already,
“CDC is working closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners to assist countries to prepare for and respond to COVID-19”.(1).
Do you know who Dr. Ghebreyesus is?
He is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and he is the General-Director of the WHO.
Did you know that Tedros was listed in his involvement in genocide and crimes against humanity BEFORE he went on to direct the World Health Organization? (2), (3)
Think to yourself, and think wisely, why major organizations, including a majority of standard practice medicine facilities create their policies around the WHO/CDC Collaboration.
Dr. Ghebreyesus has served to accomplish agenda of TPLF to depopulate Amharas.
“Amhara region” stood the top only in family planning especially in use of injectable “contraceptives” effectively making many Amhara women barren.
Have a look at this Amhara Professionals Union Report, Page 5, “Systematic genocidal violence, speaking about Tedros Ghebreyesus (3):
3. Systematic genocidal violence: The TPLF has historically labelled the Amharas as the historical enemy of the Tigray people. This is expressed in the TPLF manifesto published in 1975. When Dr. Ghebreyesus was Minister of Ethiopian FMOH, he used his Ministry to play a role in accomplishing the objectives of TPLF. The Amhara population lost more than 2.5 million people between the 1997 and 2007 census compared to the projections. Every major ethnic group showed increase in average of 2.6% whereas the Amharas showed only a 1.9% per annum growth. Though population growth is politicized in Ethiopia, loss of millions of Amharas is equivalent of genocide and needs further investigation. Given this depopulation of Amharas, no one would expect a contraceptive is the number one priority in “Amhara region” compared to other “Regions”. In addition both IMR and U5MR was the highest in “Amhara region”. Dr. Ghebreyesus has served to accomplish agenda of TPLF to depopulate Amharas. “Amhara region” stood the top only in family planning especially in use of injectable “contraceptives” effectively making many Amhara women barren.
Let us remember how certain social media outlets have been pushing the WHO Agenda (Facistbook):
I wonder why that is…
How do these creeps keep ending up in charge of major health organizations?
Here’s another: Rick Bright for CDC/WHO. The connected web of corruption is mind-blowing.
Speaking of webs, have you seen my map of connections, yet?