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Scroll Down for the New 2023 Map of Connections
(Click on any numbered circle in the map below to learn more.)
Click on any circled number from the map and Related info to that connection will come up in this box.

1) Relationship between Governor Chris Sununu and Dean Kamen
Governor Sununu and Dean Kamen partner on ARMI's Department of Defense Contract
The University System of New Hampshire has been consumed by the government and the Department of Defense set up with Dean Kamen's program ARMI where they funnel NH graduates into pharma & tech in private companies, like Lonza.
Lonza is partnered with Moderna and has BILL GATES as a strategic collaborator. [alt link]
Sununu sits on the Board of Trustees for the University System of New Hampshire and attends the ribbon cutting of ARMI's launch with over $300 million invested through UNH, including $80million from the Department of Defense. [alt link]
Governor Sununu privately attended the World Government Summit, with Dean Kaman, only, where they discussed One World Government without your consent.
Governor Chris Sununu is in Dubai this week, but his office is keeping the details of what he is doing there under wraps for now.
Sununu's office announced the governor's trip to Dubai with New Hampshire inventor Dean Kamen earlier this week, and neither the Governor's office nor Kamen's office are willing to provide much detail about the duo's plans while there."
NH Governor Sununu and Dean Kamen enjoy an all day retreat at the desert camp of Dubai's crown prince Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum while discussing agenda 2030.
World Government Summit Paid for Sununu’s Dubai Trip in February 2019 ($9,000)
May 1, 2020: "At a press conference Friday afternoon, Gov. Chris Sununu said life in the state might not fully return to normal until there is a vaccine and he lauded the part Lonza is playing in the race to create one.
“It looks like Lonza, right here in New Hampshire, (has) a partnership with a group that is right on the cutting edge of a vaccine and that’s very exciting,” Sununu said. “I spoke to some of the folks higher up in Lonza and I said whatever they need financially, regulatorily, whatever doors we can open, we’re just very proud of an organization like that in our state that is trying their best, putting everything they’ve got behind a potential vaccine. But that could be months away, it could be years away, you just don’t know unfortunately.”
That 'group' Sununu is referencing is Moderna, who has Bill Gates listed as Strategic Collaborator.
Moderna and Lonza would announce a partnership as published in the seacoastonline link above.
2) Dean Kamen & ARMI
The University System of New Hampshire has been consumed by the government and the Department of Defense set up with Dean Kamen's program ARMI where they funnel NH graduates into pharma & tech in private companies, like Lonza.
Lonza is partnered with Moderna and has BILL GATES as a strategic collaborator. Gates also The partnership between the University System of New Hampshire and Dean Kamen's ARMI fuels a Department of Defense contract with ARMI to funnel University System of New Hampshire graduates into government contracts like those with Lonza/Moderna. [alt link]
Because of ARMI, Lonza is now well prepared to mass produce a BILLION fast tracked vaccines in Portsmouth.
Kamen sits on the ARMI board with Jim Weinstein from Microsoft. Weinsten was recently the President and CEO of Dartmouth-Hitchcock. He is now Vice-President of "Microsoft Healthcare."
3) ARMI & Department of Defense
ARMI Stakeholder Council is heavily positioned with the Department of Defense. This is because ARMI partnered with Department of Defense to funnel University System of New Hampshire graduates into government contracts like those with Lonza/Moderna [alt link]
"When Kamen was preparing the final ($80m DOD contract) proposal, DOD (Department of Defense) told him he would have to prove that he had the available workforce to scale the regenerative medicine industry.
That’s when Kamen called Mark Huddleston, the president of the University of New Hampshire."
** Also See Numbers 1 & 2
4) Dean Kamen & Moderna/Lonza
Dean Kamen's ARMI funnels University System of New Hampshire graduates into government contracts like Lonza.
Lonza is partnered with Moderna, which has Bill Gates listed as 'Strategic Collaborator.' Moderna is working with NIH. Because of this partnership, Lonza is now prepared to mass produce a BILLION mRNA vaccines in Portsmouth, NH [alt link]
5) ARMI / Jim Weinstein-Microsoft-Dartmouth
Although Jim Weinstein was recently the President & CEO of Dartmouth-Hitchcock (ground zero for covid in New Hampshire), he is now Vice-President of "Microsoft Healthcare" and sits on the ARMI board with Dean Kamen which funnels University System of New Hampshire students in to government contracts like Lonza. Lonza is partnered with Moderna and has Bill Gates listed as 'Strategic Collaborator.'
Nothing to see here.. [alt link]
6) ARMI & Bill Gates
What do Dean Kamen's ARMI and Bill Gates have in common?
Recent Dartmouth CEO and President Jim Weinstein now sits on the ARMI Board of Directors & Stakeholder Council for Dean Kamen's ARMI. If you don't remember what ARMI is, it is the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute that partnered with the Department of Defense and the University System of New Hampshire to funnel new graduates into government contracts like Lonza. As mentioned previously, Lonza is partnered with Moderna, which has Bill Gates listed as "Strategic Collaborator." Jim Weinstein is also the Senior Vice President of "Microsoft Healthcare"
Fun tip: You might remember that Dartmouth was 'ground-zero' for covid in New Hampshire. [alt link]
7) Bill Gates / Moderna-Lonza
Bill Gates is listed through his foundation as 'Strategic Collaborator' of Moderna.
8) Chris Sununu / Moderna-Lonza
NH Governor Chris Sununu sits on the board of Trustees for the University System of New Hampshire.
See page 51: [alt link]
The University System of New Hampshire is partnered with the Department of Defense through Dean Kamen of ARMI and Mark Huddleson of Univeristy of New Hampshire who both set up the deal. ARMI uses the University System of New Hampshire to fill necessary seats in companies like Lonza so they can manufacture a billion yearly vaccines in New Hampshire. Lonza is partnered with Moderna and has Bill Gates listed as Strategic Collaborator.
ARMI is contracted with the Department of defense for vaccine manufacturing through Lonza in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. [alt link] [alt link]
"When Kamen was preparing the final ($80m DOD contract) proposal, DOD (Department of Defense) told him he would have to prove that he had the available workforce to scale the regenerative medicine industry.
That’s when Kamen called Mark Huddleston, the president of the University of New Hampshire."
This $80m contract was set up for ARMI to funnel University System of New Hampshire graduates into government contracts with companies like Lonza. Lonza is partnered with Moderna which has Bill Gates listed as Strategic Collaborator.
10) ARMI / Donald Birx
10) ARMI / Donald Birx
White House Coronavirus Task Force (and Anthony Fauci's NIH protégé') Dr. Deborah Birx's brother Donald Birx sits on the Board of Trustees for the University System of New Hampshire. With the help of NH Governor Sununu, UNH's Mark Huddleson and others, the University System of New Hampshire was sold out to the Department of Defense. Through Dean Kamen's ARMI, the University System of New Hampshire fuels government contracts like those that are partnered with Bill Gates. [alt link] (see page 51)
* See #9 for more info
11) Donald Birx / Deborah Birx
Dr. Deborah Birx, intern of Anthony Fauci, has a brother who sits on the Board of Trustees for the University System of New Hampshire- Donald Birx. Donald Birx is also President of Plymouth State University. (see page 51) [alt link]
12) Deborah Birx / Anthony Fauci
Dr. Deborah Birx was the intern of Anthony Fauci at the NIH. Her brother Donald Birx sits on the Board of Trustees for the University System of New Hampshire, a contracted university set up to funnel graduates into government contracts like Lonza. Lonza is partnered with Moderna which has partnered up with the NIH. Moderna lists Bill Gates as Strategic Collaborator. Both Anthony Fauci & Deborah Birx sat on the White House Coronavirus Task Force from 2020 to 2021. [alt link] (see page 51)
13) Anthony Fauci / Decade of Vaccines
13) Anthony Fauci / Decade of Vaccines
Fauci & Gates sat on the same board called Decade of Vaccines that was launched in 2010.
" The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan."
The Leadership Council is comprised of:
- Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO;
- Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health;
- Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF;
- Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
- Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(this page has since been removed from the WHO website. See a PDF print archive here)Previously GVAP, developed with the Decade of Vaccines, a board comprised of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci & pals.
NIH partnered with Moderna.
Moderna parterned with Lonza.
Moderna has Bill Gates listed as Strategic Collaborator through BMGF.
14) Decade of Vaccines / Bill Gates
(this page has since been removed from the WHO website. See a PDF print archive here)
See #13 for more info
15) ARMI / Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson sits on the Leadership Advisory Council at ARMI, a liaison between the University System of New Hampshire and the companies contracting with the Department of Defense that serve purposes like manufacturing a billion vaccines a year in Portsmouth, NH (Lonza).
Johnson & Johnson was also present at Event 201, which was a 'pandemic exercise' based on a coronavirus, launched weeks before covid19 surfaced. It was held at John Hopkin's University and facilitated by Bill Gates. Sitting on the ARMI* stakeholder board sits the recent former president of Dartmouth-Hitchcock- and now current Vice President of Microsoft Healthcare, Jim Weinstein.
Moderna's CMO Paul Burton joined Moderna after spending sixteen years with Johnson & Johnson. Since March 2020, he has served as Chief Global Medical Affairs Officer of Janssen Pharmaceuticals (Johnson & Johnson) where he was responsible for Janssen’s worldwide medical affairs strategy and execution. He is also Chief Medical Officer of Moderna.
* See #3 for more info
16) Johnson & Johnson / Event 201
Johnson & Johnson was present at Event 201, which was a 'pandemic exercise' based on a coronavirus, launched weeks before covid19 surfaced. It was held at John Hopkin's University and facilitated by Bill Gates. Sitting on the ARMI stakeholder board sits the recent former president of Dartmouth-Hitchcock- and now current Vice President of Microsoft Healthcare, Jim Weinstein. [alt link]
Event 201 'players,' include a wide range of talent including Johnson & Johnson, CDC, World Bank, WHO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, UN Foundation, Obama's Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of CIA & National Security (Avril Haines).
* See #15 for more info
17) Event 201 / Mike Bloomberg
Bloomberg John Hopkins facilitated Event 201 with Bill Gates and World Economic Forum, which was a pandemic exercise in October of 2019, just weeks before Covid was announced as a public health issue. The key players at Event 201 also included Johnson & Johnson, CDC, World Bank, WHO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, UN Foundation, Obama's Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of CIA & National Security Avril Haines & more. (Avril Haynes is now the director of National Intelligence in the Biden Administration)
Mike Bloomberg served as chair of the Board of Trustees from 1996 to 2002, and in 2001, the School of Hygiene and Public Health was renamed the Bloomberg School of Public Health in recognition of his support and dedication to public health issues. In 2018, he gave a historic $1.8 billion gift entirely for financial aid, allowing Johns Hopkins to begin accepting students without regard to their ability to pay. His total giving to the university has now reached more than $3.5 billion. Bloomberg Philanthropies announced a $43 million partnership with Johns Hopkins University to also create a center for public innovation that 'will train city leaders and their staffs from around the world on creative problem solving techniques in local government.'
18) Event 201 / Bill Gates
The World Economic Forum was a catalyst of Event 201, a 'coronavirus-like pandemic exercise' that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation facilitated at John Hopkins University on October 18, 2019, just weeks before Covid-19 emerged:
Among Event 201 'players,' include a wide range of talent including Johnson & Johnson, CDC, World Bank, WHO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, UN Foundation,
AND Obama's Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of CIA & National Security (Avril Haines)
Notice how the assistant to President Obama was identified as a key player at Event 201. Obama also facilitated the Gain of Function Research which was overseen by Anthony Fauci where they were able to make a coronavirus jump from bats to humans just "in case" to be prepared for a possible biological attack. (links to the gain of function studies in #26)
19) Bill Gates / CDC Foundation
CDC and Our Global Immunization Partners
Bill Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Mrs. Sheikh Hasiba, Prime Minister of Bangladesh; and Dr, Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO at the May 2011 World Health Assembly. (This link has since been removed by the CDC, but you can see a capture of it here)
20) Mike Bloomberg / CDC Foundation
Bloomberg, as in Bloomberg John Hopkins is a major funder of the CDC Foundation according to Devex.
You can search Bloomberg + CDC Foundation and see many 'donations' given to the CDC Foundation by Bloomberg. Here is just one example:
21) CDC Foundation / CDC
CDC Foundation funds the CDC
CDC Foundation, which was established by Congress, funds the CDC with private interests.
The CDC Foundation Board of Directors includes 4 people connected to Kaiser; 1 member connected to GMM (a political communications and advertising firm); 1 member from Turner Broadcasting / CNN; and Kristen Silverberg, who served in the George W. Bush Administration.
(Silverberg was also recognized by the World Economic Forum as a "Young Global Leader.")
No surprise here..
Silverberg was previously Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (head of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs that creates and executes policy in the United Nations) from 2005-2008
CDC Foundation funds the CDC
CDC Foundation, which was established by Congress, funds the CDC with private interests.
The CDC Foundation Board of Directors includes 4 people connected to Kaiser, 1 member connected to GMM (a political communications and advertising firm), 1 member from Turner Broadcasting / CNN and Kristen Silverberg, who served in the George W. Bush Administration.
(Silverberg was also recognized by the World Economic Forum as a "Young Global Leader.")
No suprise here..
Silverberg was previously Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (head of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs that creates and executes policy in the United Nations) from 2005-2008
22) CDC / Nationwide DHHS'
CDC is a subsidiary of United States Department of Health and Human Services
If that is the case, then why are they being funded by people like Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg?
And why is Bill Gates listed as a global partner? (This link has since been removed by the CDC, but you can see a capture of it here)
Did you know that the CDC is funded by private interests through the Congress established CDC Foundation?
Did you also know that the CDC Foundation Board of Directors includes 4 people connected to Kaiser; 1 member connected to GMM (a political communications and advertising firm); 1 member from Turner Broadcasting / CNN; and Kristen Silverberg, who served in the George W. Bush Administration and recognized by the World Economic Forum?
23) Bill Gates / WHO
In June of 2020, Devex posted an article stating that if the United States pulled funded from WHO (which it did in 2020), then the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation would be the largest financial contributor to the World Health Organization.
"When WHO was formed as an intergovernmental organization, it “would have been unimaginable” that a private foundation could have such influence, he continued. “It would enable a single rich philanthropist to set the global health agenda,” Gostin said, referring to Bill Gates, co-chair of the foundation."
Gates also sat on the Leadership Council of the Decade of Vaccines with Anthony Fauci and Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO, which was founded in 2010.
* See #13 & 14 for more info
24) Bill Gates / NIH
Bill Gates is no stranger to the NIH. He's been fueling and cooberating with them for a long time.
Two of the most pertinent things that stand out recently in my mind are the Decade of Vaccines and the NIH / Moderna partnership.
Decade of Vaccines was a 'global initiative' to push more vaccines, of course. The Leadership Council as mentioned in #23 on this map was comprised of a whole list of corrupt talent, including World Bank, UNICEF, WHO, Anthony Fauci from NIH and Bill Gates.
You can find more information about this in #13 and #14 in this map.
The biggest problem I have with Bill Gates working with Anthony Fauci is that Bill Gates is a proud eugenist and Anthony Fauci oversaw the Gain of Function research under President Obama where they grew bat coronavirus in human fibroblast (lung cells) to make avian coronavirus jump from bats to humans, essentially creating Covid-19, the bioweapon (See #26, 28).
(Also, if you're wondering where the eugenist title comes from, see #77-79. You can also Listen to Bill Gates' Ted Talk at 4:00 on Reducing Population: )
The other major thing that sticks fresh in my mind is the Moderna/NIH partnership.
As you may have seen in other areas of this site, I mention that Moderna has Bill Gates listed as a 'Strategic Collaborator' via the BMGF (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).
"Multi-site trial to test candidate developed by Moderna and NIH." (see#44 for more info)
25) John Hopkins / Biden-Harris
Among John Hopkin's Event 201 'players,' include a wide range of talent including Johnson & Johnson, CDC, World Bank, WHO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, UN Foundation, AND Obama's Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of CIA & National Security (Avril Haines). Surprise!
Avril Haynes was Obama's Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of CIA & National Security under the Obama - Biden Administration.
Avril Haynes is now the Director of National Intelligence under the Biden-Harris Administration
* See #26 for more info
26) Anthony Fauci / Obama
The 'Gain of Function Research' lead by NIH & Anthony Fauci, under President Obama's direction lead to the development covid-19. [alt link]
27) Obama / Biden-Harris
Barrack Obama and Joe Biden worked together under the Obama Administration
* See #25 for more info
28) Obama / Event 201
Event 201 was a 'coronavirus-like pandemic exercise' that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation facilitated at John Hopkins University on October 18, 2019, just weeks before Covid-19 emerged.
Among Event 201 'players,' include a wide range of talent including Johnson & Johnson, CDC, World Bank, WHO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, UN Foundation, AND Obama's Assistant to the President & Deputy Director of CIA & National Security (Avril Haines). Surprise!
During his Presidency, Obama also facilitated the Gain of Function Research which was overseen by Anthony Fauci where they were able to make a coronavirus jump from bats to humans just "in case" to be prepared for a possible biological attack.
The 'Gain of Function Research' lead by NIH & Anthony Fauci, under President Obama's direction lead to the development of Covid-19. [alt link]
29) John Hopkins / Event 201
Event 201 was facilitated by Bill Gates, World Economic Forum and John Hopkins.
* See #28 for more info
30) John Hopkins / Bill Gates
John Hopkins is also where Bill Gates facilitated Event 201.
* See #28 for more info
31) John Hopkins / Chinese Academics
The Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), located just a short walk from Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C., is one of the top international relations schools in the United States. Its graduates feed into a variety of government agencies, from the State Department to the CIA, and the military.
Its China studies program is especially well known; many graduates come away with expert knowledge of the language, culture, and politics of the United States’ most important strategic competitor.
What the SAIS press release did not say is that the money for the new initiatives came in part from the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), a Hong Kong-based nonprofit. CUSEF is a registered foreign agent bankrolled by a high-ranking Chinese government official with close ties to a sprawling Chinese Communist Party apparatus that handles influence operations abroad, known as the “united front.”
*More info on Bloomberg / Hopkins in #17
32) Chinese Academics / Harvard-MIT
See #34
(Harvard-MIT / Charles Lieber / Chinese Academics)
33) Bill Gates / Harvard-MIT
Gates, who dropped out of Harvard and co-founded Microsoft Corp. to become the world’s richest person, stopped off at his former stomping grounds to collect an honorary law degree.
34) Harvard-MIT / Charles Lieber / Chinese Academics
Criminal Nanotechnologist Charles Lieber had a lab at Harvard University where he did research on injectable mesh electronics [alt link][alt link] [alt link]
Lieber's lab worked with the Chinese Academy of Academics and the Thousand Talents Plan training high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security.
Liebers Harvard work was funded by the NIH, DARPA, AIR FORCE, the US NAVY & MITRE and joined by other Universities including MIT [alt link]
35) Chinese Academics / Wuhan Technical Institute
Charles Lieber was setting up a lab in Wuhan under the Thousand Talents Plan. He was also training recruits from Thousand Talents Plan in bionanoscience technology at Harvard University. Through the Thousand Talents Plan, he was contracted produce talent for the lab.
Thousand Talents Plan was replaced by National High-end Foreign Experts Recruitment Plan, which was launched in 2019 by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Additional Reading:
"Threats to the U.S. Research Enterprise: China’s Talent Recruitment Plans"
* See #34 for more info
36) Wuhan Technical Institute / Charles Lieber
According to this FBI Whistleblower statement,
"...Based on the evidence gathered to date, LIEBER was a "Strategic Scientist" at
WUT and a contractual participant in China's Thousand Talents Plan for significant periods
between at least 2012 and 2017. The terms of LIEBER's Thousand Talents contract called for
LIEBER to be paid up to $50,000 per month in salary and approximately $150,000 per year for
living and personal expenses by WUT. LIEBER was also awarded more than $1.5 million by
WUT and the Chinese government to establish a research lab and conduct research at WUT."
Here is some more info on Liber and the Thousand Talents Plan:
According to,
"In 2009, WUT established the “WUT-Harvard Joint Nano Key Laboratory” with Harvard University, Dr. Charles M. Lieber, Fellow of American Academy of Science and Professor of Harvard University, was appointed as the Director of the joint laboratory; in 2010, established the “Joint Laboratory of advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices” with the University of Strathclyde; in 2010, established the “WUT- UM Joint New Energy Material and Conversion Technology Key Laboratory” with the University of Michigan, and the Thermoelectric Materials Research Team of WUT Entered Clean Vehicles Consortium of US-China Clean Energy Research Center(CERC); and in 2012, established the “WUT-UoS High Performance Ship Technology Joint Center” with the University of Southampton."
37) Charles Lieber / DARPA
Charles Lieber's Harvard Nanotechnology Lab was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Lieber's Harvard lab trained high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security through the Thousand Talents Plan. There has been no public statement by DARPA concerning their knowledge and involvement in Lieber's training program. [alt link]
Have a look at these DARPA funded videos: [alt link] [alt link]
These are DARPA projects from 2 years ago that use biosensors and i/o technology just like Charles Lieber's to track your biological data. Some can read and write. These projects run parallel to the studies Lieber was using with his hydrogel signal recording and i/o studies.
Check out Lieber's injectable nanotechnology projects at [alt link]
This technology is a threat to humanity. They'll promote it under the guise of advancing medical technology or that it's "for your safety."
* See #34-36 for more info
38) Charles Lieber / AIR FORCE
Charles Lieber's Harvard Nanotechnolgy Lab where he trained high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security through the Thousand Talents Plan, was funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. There has been no public statement by the U.S. Air Force concerning their knowledge and involvement in Lieber's training program.
According to Smithsonian Mag, Lieber's research obtained support through the U.S. Air Force’s Cyborgcell program, which focuses on small-scale electronics for the “performance enhancement” of cells. [alt link]
39) Charles Lieber / US NAVY
Charles Lieber's Harvard Nanotechnology Lab- where he trained high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security through the Thousand Talents Plan, was funded by the Office of Naval Research. There has been no public statement by the U.S. Navy concerning their knowledge and involvement in Lieber's training program. [alt link]
40) Charles Lieber / NIH
Charles Lieber's Harvard Nanotechnolgy Lab- where he trained high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security through the Thousand Talents Plan, was funded by the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH). The NIH made a public statement denying their knowledge and involvement in Lieber's training program.
Lieber earned the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award for his syringe-injectable mesh electronics for stable monitoring and modulation of neural circuitry. [alt link]
41) Charles Lieber / MITRE
41) Charles Lieber / MITRE
Charles Lieber's Harvard Nanotechnology Lab- where he trained high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security through the Thousand Talents Plan, was funded by the MITRE There has been no public statement by MITRE concerning their knowledge and involvement in Lieber's training program.
According to Axious,
- A recent report from the JASON program at MITRE Corp, which manages research on behalf of several U.S. government agencies, stated that foreign interference in and theft of U.S. research "represents a threat to our fundamental research enterprise and, in the longer run, our economic security and national security."
- But another concern, according to the report, is the potential for overreaction that might inhibit scientific collaboration. According to the report: "The benefits of openness in research and of the inclusion of talented foreign researchers dictate against measures that would wall off particular areas of fundamental research." [alt link] [alt link] [alt link]
42) DARPA / Facebook
It has been reported that Facebook is a reincarnation of DARPA's Lifelog Platform. Watch this:
43) Johnson & Johnson / Moderna-Lonza
Moderna's CMO Paul Burton joined Moderna after spending sixteen years with Johnson & Johnson. Since March 2020, he has served as Chief Global Medical Affairs Officer of Janssen Pharmaceuticals (Johnson & Johnson) where he was responsible for Janssen’s worldwide medical affairs strategy and execution. He is also Chief Medical Officer of Moderna.
Johnson & Johnson was sitting on the Leadership Advisory Council at ARMI, but has since been removed from their updated site. ARMI is a liaison between the University System of New Hampshire and the companies contracting with the Department of Defense that serve purposes like manufacturing a billion vaccines a year in Portsmouth, NH (Lonza).
Johnson & Johnson was also present at Event 201, which was a 'pandemic exercise' based on a coronavirus, launched weeks before covid19 surfaced.
Johnson & Johnson: Event 201 'Player'
Event 201 was held at John Hopkin's University and facilitated by Bill Gates. Sitting on the ARMI stakeholder board sits the recent former president of Dartmouth-Hitchcock- and now current Vice President of Microsoft Healthcare, Jim Weinstein.
You already know that ARMI facilitates Lonza which is partnered with Bill Gates' Moderna from circle #1, and now you know that ARMI and Bill Gates was connected to Johnson & Johnson with two separate entities. If Johnson & Johnson and Moderna are competitors, then why does it seem like they're working together?
*See #1 & #44 for more info
44) NIH / Moderna-Lonza
NIH (Fauci & pals) & Moderna are working together on Moderna's vaccine
"Multi-site trial to test candidate developed by Moderna and NIH."
(Moderna is partnered with Lonza, which is fueled by ARMI)
Moderna lists Bill Gates as Strategic Collaborator & the VP of Microsoft Healthcare sits on the ARMI board.
Because of ARMI, Lonza is now well prepared to mass produce a BILLION fast tracked vaccines in Portsmouth. [alt link]
* See #2 for more info
45) Event 201 / WEF
The World Economic Forum was a catalyst of Event 201, a 'coronavirus-like pandemic exercise' that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation facilitated at John Hopkins University on October 18, 2019, just weeks before Covid-19 emerged:
If you don't know who the World Economic Forum is, you might want to spend some time learning about Klaus Schwab & the Great Reset. All of this encompasses a new era they call 'the Fourth Industrial Revolution.' Schwab talks about how 'you will own nothing' and you will be happy.' The World Economic Forum is not only strategic partners with the World Government Summit but they were partners with Bill Gates & John Hopkin's University when they launched Event 201.
In an official press release put out by the World Government Summit, the organizers said the event ended with “a plea for institutions to realign with the new world order.” And the speakers made that clear, too. Among those quoted in the press release, one claimed that people’s expectations “need governments to develop progressive policies that can accommodate the global transition.”
* See #18 for more info.
46) WEF / Klaus Schwab
For those of you who don't know what the Great Reset is, it's another name for the New World Order aka Agenda 2030. The 'Great Reset' is facilitated by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.
Great Reset keynotes include the president of Microsoft, the CEO of Mastercard, and founder of 'Chipsafer,' (cattle "tracking of biological 'irregularities & abnormal behaviors..") [alt link]
sound famliar?
"Harvard scientist Dr. Charles Lieber, who was arrested earlier this year in collusion with Wuhan reportedly worked on a specified hydro technology 10 years ago, which was developed and set into research plans in April of this year to allow for a PERMANENT monitoring system and access to your health attributes.
This invasive technology is being implemented with a developing 2020 Coronavirus Vaccine."
#ArchbishopVigano second open letter to Trump. Calling out the Deep State, the Pope
47) WEF / Walmart-Facebook-Tyson-etc
World Economic Forum / Great Reset partners include Moderna, Facebook, Google, Mastercard, Tyson Foods & Gilead Sciences are all on board with the "Great Reset".Many of these organizations belong to George Soros:
48) WEF / Agenda 2030
While we were all distracted by the circus with Covid lockdowns, restrictions, mandatory mask wearing and voting , etc. they are laying out the path to the #GreatReset & #NWO.
MANDATE. - The Federal reserve banks shall, not later than January 1, 2021, make digital wallets available to all residents and citizens of the United States and to businesses domiciled in the United States. (Alt Link)
49) Agenda 2030 / UN
Everything that is happening now runs parallel to the United Nation's Agenda 2030
Speaking of that agenda, the link below shows 'Strategic Partners' of the World Government Summit where they discuss One World Government without your consent.
This same organization has a section of their web site called 'techradar' where they have technology development plans that include a wide away of projections that threaten every industry, including the restaurant industry.
Go to that link & Click on 'Explore':
Technologies such as AI chef, 3D printed food and Employee-free store are definite threats to the restaurant industry as we know it. You'll see other things in there that will blow your mind.
I think they finalized an overview of their Agenda at the World Government Summit 2019
(NH Governor) Schedule
If you don't know who the World Economic Forum is, you might want to spend some time learning about Klaus Schwab & the Great Reset. All of this encompasses a new era they call 'the Fourth Industrial Revolution.' Schwab talks about how 'you will own nothing' and you will be happy.' The World Economic Forum is not only strategic partners with the World Government Summit but they were partners with Bill Gates & John Hopkin's University when they launched Event 201.
In an official press release put out by the World Government Summit, the organizers said the event ended with “a plea for institutions to realign with the new world order.” And the speakers made that clear, too. Among those quoted in the press release, one claimed that people’s expectations “need governments to develop progressive policies that can accommodate the global transition.”
Months ago the Rockefeller Foundation published a report proposing an immunity card to attend concerts, school, work, sporting events, etc. and here we are. Along with the World Economic Forum, these psychopaths are creating the infrastructure to imprison us all.
50) UN / Event 201
Sofia Borges is a listed player in Bill Gates' Event 201. Borges is the UN Foundation’s Senior Vice President and Head of the New York, creating connections and managing partnerships with stakeholders. Borges facilitates in the development of long-term strategy for the United Nations as well as developments of the 2030 Agenda.
* See #18 for more info on Event 201
51) UN / George Bush Sr. CIA
George Herbert Walker Bush served two terms as a Representative to Congress from Texas. Twice he ran unsuccessfully for the Senate. Then he was appointed to a series of high-level positions: Ambassador to the United Nations, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Chief of the U. S. Liaison Office in the People’s Republic of China, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
John Sununu, father of NH Governor Chris Sununu, was the first White House Chief of Staff for George H. W. Bush, holding the position from 1989 to 1991.
In 1991, GHW Bush announces the New World Order
52) WEF / Davos
The World Economic Forum (WEF), based in Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland, is an international NGO, founded by Klaus Schwab. The foundation views its own mission as "improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".
The WEF is mostly known for its annual meeting in Davos. 3,000 payng business leaders, political leaders, economists, celebrities and journalists discuss to collaborate on multiple projects and global initiatives which it expresses through initiatives like the "Great Reset"[5] and the "Global Redesign".[6]
Listen to Professor Yuval Harari discuss the future of humanity and how it relates to gene editing at the 2018 Davos / WEF Meeting:
53) Klaus Schwab / Al Gore
Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum says "You will Own Nothing and You will be Happy"
Al Gore is on the board of trustees for the World Economic Forum. He was VP to Bill Clinton. Clinton was identified multiple times on Epstein's flight logs. Epstein's Girlfriend's Sister Christine Maxwell created the intelligence database software for the CIA. The World Economic Forum has been planning our social & economic takeover (the Great Reset) with Bill Gates & John Hopkin's University.
There are no accidents.
54) Al Gore / Bill Clinton
The vice presidency of Al Gore lasted from 1993 to 2001, during the Bill Clinton administration. Al Gore was the 45th vice president of the United States, being twice elected alongside Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996.
55) Bill Clinton / Jeffrey Epstein
Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein spent a lot of time together. In fact, Bill frequented the Lolita Express, Jeffrey Epstein's private jet to Little St. James Island and other exotic places.
* See #61 for more info
More on Epstein:
Jeffrey Epstein is a former member of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science and a former Rockefeller University Board Member. Up until at least 2015, Epstein was also an active member of the Edge Organization, according to his bio date at jeffreyepstein (.) org
** 58) Jeffrey Epstein / Disney
more info coming soon.
Disney Cruise Lines had a travel package that went to Little St. James Island.
See also #60 to see Ghislaine Maxwell / Disney connections
** 59) Bill Gates / WEF
information coming soon
** 60) Disney / Ghislaine Maxwell
** Research in Progress
The Mirror organized a Disney day out for the kids at Lord and Lady Bath's Longleat House, in Wiltshire. Ghislaine Maxwell presented a check for £2000 for the for the save the children fund. 1985
61) Ghislaine Maxwell / Bill Clinton
Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Clinton go way back. Here you can see them posing at the door of Epstein's private jet during his presidency. Ghislaine Maxwell has been identified as Epstein's alleged pimp and was apprehended at her secret New Hampshire home in Dec of 2020.
Ghislaine is so close to the Clinton family, that she was front and center at Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea's wedding.
Why do you suppose they were spending time together?
And why was Bill Clinton listed multiple times in Epstein's flight logs on the Lolita Express?
Why do you think Bill Clinton would go to Epstein Island?
62) Ghislaine Maxwell / Isabel Maxwell
Christine & Isabel Maxwell (Twins) - Ghislaine's Sisters Created Software that Runs All of the FBI, CIA & DEA Intelligence Databases
Ghislaine's sister Created Software that runs All of the FBI intelligence databases, connected and accessing databases through the CIA, NSA, DOJ, and many other National Intelligence Databases.
The software, Chiliad, was installed on all of the HP computers set up for the CIA.
You think that's suprising? Christine Maxwell's twin and Ghislaine's other sister Isabelle Maxwell is co-founder of Magellan and Technology Pioneer of the World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum was a facilitator of Event 201 and the platform for the 'Great Reset'
Here is a picture of Epstein's 'pimp' Ghislaine Maxwell front and center at Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea's wedding.
63) Isabel Maxwell / Al Gore
Ghislaine Maxwell's sister Isabel Maxwell and ex Vice-President Al Gore both sit on the board of the World Economic Forum
64) Isabel Maxwell / David Hayden
Isabel Maxwell's second husband who was co-founder of Magellan was David Hayden. I'm sure it's just a coincidence and maybe they're not related, but Michael Hayden is former director of the NSA. (Possibly the same eerie coinsidence that Bill Gate's mother's name is Mary Maxwell...)
I'll tell you what's not coincidence, ONE WEEK AFTER 9/11, NSA Director Michael Hayden arranged for those Chiliad HP servers to be delivered to Washington DC under President George HW. Bush.
THIS IS WHEN OUR COUNTRY WAS HIJACKED. Five years later, Hayden was named director of the CIA. Hayden created an External Advisory Board and made the CEO of HP the chair of that board..
Speaking of the CEO of HP, Carly Fiorina, she was also a member of the Founding Board of the World Economic Forum. Imagine that.
65) David Hayden / Michael Hayden CIA NSA
There is no real link that I can find between David Hayden and Michael Hayden according to their name and it could just be a strange coincidence... I will tell you though that David Hayden was Isabel Maxwell's second husband. Isabel co-founded Chiliad CIA software with twin sister (and sister of Ghislaine Maxwell), Christine Maxwell.
ONE WEEK AFTER 9/11, NSA Director Michael Hayden arranged for those Chiliad HP servers to be delivered to Washington DC under President George HW. Bush.
Isabel is the twin sister of Christine Maxwell, who sits on the board of trustees for Vint Cerf's Internet Society. She is the ex-wife of David Hayden, chair and cofounder of the fast-track start-up Critical Path.,_Inc David Hayden Hayden-NSA Hayden-NSA-CIA
*** 66) Michael Hayden / CIA
info coming soon
*** 67) Isabel Maxwell / Christine Maxwell FBI CIA
Maxwell was a co-founder of the company behind early search engine Magellan. Isabel joined twin sister Christine Maxwell who was leading a small company called Research on Demand that was online in 1993"[1]". The company changed names to McKinley Group (named after North America’s highest mountain)[7] and became a search engine with ratings. Maxwell served as a senior vice president, her second husband, David Hayden, was CEO and her sister Christine was publisher.[5] The Maxwell sisters launched the Magellan web search service in September 1995.[9] In early 1996, the company was poised to IPO, but investment bank Robertson Stephens decided to put Excite on the market first. A few months later, IPOs became difficult and the startup company was running out of money. Magellan wanted to go public with Lehman doing the offering but was unsuccessful. Michael Wolfe's book Burn Rate also describes a failed deal to combine with Wolff New Media, which shortly later went broke itself.[10] With intensifying financial constraints, Maxwell’s husband was pushed out of the company by investors and her sister left. Isabel assumed the responsibility to dispose of the company. After a layoff, the firm was sold for $18 million (of stock) to competitor Excite.[5]
68) Christine Maxwell / Roger Malena MIT NASA etc
In June 1986, Christine Maxwell married astrophysicist Roger Malina of Berkeley, California. Malina's lab carries out research in experimental publishing and curating in collaboration with MIT Press and Leonardo/ISAST and OLATS. He was also Principal Investigator for the NASA Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite at the University of California, Berkeley.
69) Christine Maxwell / HP
Ghislaine Maxwell's sister Christine Maxwell created Chiliad, a database tracking software that runs All of the FBI intelligence databases, connected and accessing databases through the CIA, NSA, DOJ, and many other National Intelligence Databases. The software has also been installed in many other companies and government agencies.
The software was coupled with HP servers and used in FBI & CIA database technology.
ONE WEEK AFTER 9/11, NSA Director Michael Hayden arranged for those Chiliad HP servers to be delivered to Washington DC under President George HW. Bush. THIS IS WHEN OUR COUNTRY WAS HIJACKED. Five years later, Hayden was named director of the CIA. Hayden created an External Advisory Board and made the CEO of HP the chair of that board...
70) HP / CIA
One week after 9/11, our country's data systems were hijacked through Maxwell-Chiliad / HP servers
See # 69 for more info
71) CIA / CEO HP
One week after 9/11, our country's data systems were hijacked through Maxwell-Chiliad / HP servers
See # 69 for more info
72) CEO HP / Geroge Bush Sr
George HW Bush Sr was the 11th director of the CIA
One week after 9/11, our country's data systems were hijacked through Maxwell-Chiliad / HP servers
See # 69 for more info
73) Chris Sununu / John Sununu
New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu's brother John E. Sununu has ties to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.
74) John Sununu / Dean Kamen
John H Sununu's son (and Chris Sununu's brother), John E. Sununu, worked as a management consultant for PRTM, a Dean Kamen company.
There are sites that talk about how Kamen 'got to know' then-governor John H Sununu, but he has at least been acquainted with the Sununu family for some time.
75) Dean Kamen / Jeanne Shaheen
Dean Kamen helped facilitate an unlawful transcation by Governor Sununu to have delivered and accept allegedly '91,000 pounds of PPE equipment from China,' with Shaheen right by his side.
"The Republican governor was joined by Democratic U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Dean Kamen, who helped spearhead the effort."
"Today, Kamen has a direct line to New Hampshire governor Jeanne Shaheen."
*** 76) Jeanne Shaheen / ARMI
more info coming | (Alt Link)
77) Bill Clinton / Planned Parenthood
The Clintons have A LOT of organizations to hide monetary contributions in, and they have been accused of funneling donations through related organizations like the Clinton Foundation. pulled up a huge list of 50 Clinton organizations. It's worth having a peek to help you wrap your head around the vastness of their developments:
(If you want, you can continue your reading with Corey's digs where they report all about the Clinton Foundation)
That's a tunnel system of rabbit holes to explore. There's NO doubt about that.
Here's the thing that really irks me about the Clintons (particularly Bill's wife Hillary) and Planned Parenthood... There is a mutual political support between the two of them.
Planned Parenthood and its founder, Margaret Sanger, are the progenitors of all modern population control agendas in the United States. It’s important to note that Planned Parenthood receives a vast majority of its funding from the federal government, thus is essentially a government organization
So Planned Parenthood is funded by the federal government and funds political campaigns like Hillary.
I'm not a political analyst, but something doesn't seem quite right with this picture.
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards said in a recent interview that she finds it “exciting” to hear women tell their abortion stories. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her running mate Tim Kaine also recently said they “trust women,” and that’s why they support abortion on demand and funded by taxpayers.
Planned Parenthood’s super PAC is working in conjunction with the Priorities USA Action super PAC. Last month, for example, they jointly released an online advertisement costing “five figures” targeting Donald Trump. Much of Planned Parenthood Votes’ recent presidential advocacy efforts have focused on online ads and phone calls promoting Clinton or attacking Republican presidential candidates, federal disclosures indicate.
How can we forget Hillary during a March 27, 2009 speech accepting the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood, when Clinton talked about being in awe of the racist eugenist who's known for being the founder of Planned Parenthood, and the one who inspired Adolf Hitler in his views of eugenics and 'murdering socially undesirable people.'
Clinton has been a longtime supporter of Planned Parenthood. Last year the group awarded Clinton its highest honor, the PPFA Margaret Sanger Award, named after its founder, Margaret Sanger.
In 1939 Sanger created the Negro Project. Its goal was to restrict, and many believe exterminate, the black population by limiting its growth through abortion and sterilization under the pretense of 'better health' and 'family planning'. To minimize any backlash Sanger cleverly disguised her project by having it propagated through the Black community by Black ministers and its more charismatic members. In a letter dated December 10, 1939, to colleague Dr. C. J. Gamble regarding her Negro Project Sanger wrote: "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members".
78) Planned Parenthood / IBM
What do Planned Parenthood and IBM have in common?
More than you might think.
Aside from Planned Parenthood and IBM both having taken part in eugenics and human extermination, you'll be suprised to hear that the Head of Planned Parenthood was Bill Gates's Father William Gates Sr.
You can see that in a video here:
And what does that have to do with IBM? Well, Bill Gates' mother sat on the Executive Committee of United Way with the CEO of IBM. Their collaboration led to the creation of Microsoft.
It's a small world after all.
79) Planned Parenthood / Bill Gates Sr.
Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19
Bill Gates: "My father was the Head of Planned Parenthood"
Looks like they're succeeding.
As previously mentioned in point #78, Bill Gate's mother sat on the Executive Committee of United Way with the CEO of IBM and IBM facilitated the functions of the Holocaust.
"We have not had the number of births necessary for a generation to replace itself since 1971. "Birth rates have been steadily declining since 2007, when 4.3 million babies were born in the United States. Total fertility rates have been below replacement – meaning the number of births necessary for a generation to replace itself – since 1971."
80) Bill Gates Sr. / Bill Gates
Listen to Bill Gates' Ted Talk on Reducing Population:
Start video at 4:00
“If we do a really good job at new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive services… we can lower that by 10 or 15 percent”- (talking about population)
To learn more, check out #79
81) Bill Gates / Mary Maxwell
Mary Maxwell Gates was the Mother of Mary Maxwell Gates was the mother of Bill Gates. Bill Gates' mother sat on the Executive Committee of United Way with the CEO of IBM. Their collaboration led to the creation of Microsoft. | (Alt Link)
82) Mary Maxwell / Microsoft
Thanks to a conversation Mary Maxwell had while she was sitting on the United Way board with the CEO of IBM, Microsoft flourished and became successful.
You can see that in a video here:
And what does that have to do with IBM? Well, Bill Gates' mother Mary Maxwell Gates sat on the Executive Committee of United Way with the CEO of IBM. Their collaboration led to the creation of Microsoft.
It's a small world after all.
* To learn more, go to #78
83) Microsoft / Bill Gates
Now look up the Internet of Bodies from the World Economic Forum
** 84) Microsoft / IBM
* See #82 for more info on Microsoft and IBM.
* See #86 for more info about IBM and the Holocaust
**85) IBM / Watson Computing
more info coming soon
(see #86 for more info)
** 86) Watson Computing / Holocaust
IBM and the Holocaust
"IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson meets with Hitler in Berlin, June 1937, just before receiving medal for "service to the Reich"; image via Jewish Virtual Library"
The first thing Hitler wanted to know was exactly how many Jews resided in Germany. IBM hired thousands to execute a door-to-door racial census. Once Hitler had the names and locations of Germany’s Jews, IBM created systems to tabulate that data against professional and employment databases as well as financial institutions to help Germany systematically pauperize them. Location data was then used to organize the mass transfer of Jews from their homes into ghettos. Ghetto residents were then systematically forced onto trains to the camps.
Those trains ran on IBM punch cards, and owed their punctual timetables to special IBM scheduling programs. All the work and prisoner data from all the concentration camps was fed into a central nerve center in the T-Building at Oranienburg known as Section D-II and powered by custom-wired IBM machines. Everything IBM did was custom, specific, and tailored to the Nazis’ specific needs.
87) Holocaust / IG Farben
Not only did IBM play a major role in the Holocaust, but it also became part of IG Farben, the financial heart of the Nazi regime.
* See #88 for more info
88) IG Farben / Bayer-Monsanto
Bayer is a German pharmaceutical company historically best known as the makers of Aspirin.. also owns household brands such as Claritin, Coppertone, and Dr. Scholl’s. For most of its history, Bayer was a run-of-the-mill business – except for when it was part of IG Farben, the chemical conglomerate that produced the poisonous chemicals used in the Holocaust.
Bayer became part of IG Farben, the conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed the financial heart of the Nazi regime. After World War II, the Allies split apart IG Farben, and Bayer again emerged as an individual company.
**89) Bayer-Monsanto / Bill Gates
In #88, we learned that Bayer / IG Farben played a major role in the Holocaust. In June of 2018, Bayer acquired Monsanto.
Monsanto is widely known for their cancer-causing Round Up product and large vault of GMO seeds.
Bill & Melinda Gates grant for United Nations "To protect the genetic diversity of 21 critical crops for food security and poverty alleviation, by supporting national genebanks, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, and the Global Crop Diversity Trust"
** 90) Harvard / MIT & George Bush Sr
more info coming soon
**91) Dean Kamen / Bill Clinton
(more info coming soon)
**92) NIH / Christine Grady
Let us not forget that Anthony Fauci caught heat for funding [Alt Link] gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology and covering it up.
Honestly, it’s difficult to know where Anthony Fauci ends and Christine Grady begins. Here’s how Anythony Fauci described Grady’s influence on his public policy decisions:
“I've benefited greatly from this partnership of overlapping interest and common interest. So, a lot of the things that I do with regard to the development of vaccines, the development of therapies, being involved with outbreaks and pandemics, have ethical overtones to them. I can say that I am very blessed to be living with someone who is very likely, most people think, one of the most outstanding ethicists in the world. To have her in the house -- you know, as a consultant on ethical issues—is pretty advantageous.”
The Faucis lived a conflict of interest at the breakfast table, the office, and back home around the dinner table. Interestingly enough, the NIH has never acknowledged this.
.. And speaking of human subjects research, you might want to learn more about the patents Fauci has on certain NIH projects which he stands to financially profit from:
Separate from patent royalties though- while millions of Americans suffered under his pandemic policies, Fauci's personal profits soared- including a reported 5 million dollar jump in household net profits: [Alt Link]
**93) NIH / Anthony Fauci
See #92 for more info
Also, Anthony Fauci oversaw the gain of function research that lead to the development of Covid19. [alt link]
94) Christine Grady / Anthony Fauci
See #92
**95) WEF / John Hopkins
(more info coming soon)
96) Dean Kamen / DHHS
"This Foundry for American Biotechnology will be housed in Manchester, New Hampshire, and managed in conjunction with the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI), led by Manchester-based DEKA Research Corp., as part of a public-private partnership with HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)."
ASPR and a consortium of government agencies and private sector partners will determine, fund, and attract additional private sector funding to commercialize the foundry's innovation projects. In addition to ASPR and ARMI, the first consortium partners will include representatives from industrial pharmaceutical and industrial automation sectors.
**97) Facebook / Chan-Zuckerberg
(more info coming soon)
**98) Chan-Zuckerberg / NGA
(more info coming soon)
**99) NGA / WEF
**100) Holocaust / Operation Paperclip
(more info coming soon)
**101) Operation Paperclip / CIA
(more info coming soon)
**102) Governor Sununu / NGA
94-1) Anthony Fauci / Wuhan Technical Institute
more info coming soon
103) George Bush Sr. / George Bush Jr.
more info coming soon
104) John E. Sununu / World Economic Forum
Did you know…
Former US Senator and brother of NH Governor Sununu was chair of the Financial Governance Working Group for the World Economic Forum?
John E. Sununu is also the son of previous New Hampshire Governor John Sununu Sr.
He represented New Hampshire in the United States Senate from 2003-2009. Previously, he served in the US House of Representatives (1997-2003). He served on key Senate committees, including Commerce, Finance, Banking, and Foreign Relations. (Alt Link)
John E. Sununu also a member of the Board of Directors of Boston Scientific, which sits on the Board of Trustees of Dean Kamen's ARMI.
(see # 1 & 2 for more info on ARMI)
73) George Bush Sr CIA / John Sununu
New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, a strong supporter of George HW Bush during the 1988 campaign, became chief of staff under the George HW Bush Administration.
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