Must Read Blogs

Anthony Fauci CDC EcoHealth Alliance Gain of Function Research NIH Peter Daszak

What do Daszak, Fauci and Bats Have in Common?

Peter Daszak, a zoologist, was the Project Leader in the Gain of Function Experiments, which was a series of experiments...
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4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) Agenda 2030 AI Joe Biden Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum

Say Goodbye to Personal Vehicles

Are you ready to give up your beloved daily driver to Agenda 2030? That's just what they are talking about...
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Aborted Fetal Cells Corvelva MRC5

Corvelva links 560 cancer genes to common vaccine ingredient

Genetic Sequencing of Common Vaccine Finds Entire Male Genome from Aborted Baby 560 Genes Linked to Cancer Immortal fetal cell...
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Anthony Fauci Bill Gates CDC Decade of Vaccines Rockefeller Soros WHO

Gates & Fauci go wayyy back

The "Decade of Vaccines" program ran from 2010 to 2020 and was led by Bill Gates & NIH Anthony Fauci....
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Accenture Bloomberg CNBC CNN Deloitte IMF LAD New York Times OECD WHO World Bank World Economic Forum

This will get you thrown in Facebook Jail

The screenshot below of the World Government Summit 'Strategic Partners' is from Don't try posting this on Facebook, or...
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Bill Gates CDC Clinton Foundation DARPA Decade of Vaccines Facebook GAVI Joe Biden Johnson & Johnson NIH UNICEF United Nations WHO

Crooked Organizations In Charge of Vaccine Deployment

Even if you still trust the CDC (and you should reconsider, because they are a FOR PROFIT organization that hides...
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4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) AI IMF IoT (Internet of Things) Klaus Schwab Microsoft United Nations World Bank World Economic Forum

Fourth Industrial Revolution will be taking your job

4th Industrial Revolution, the thing that Klaus Schwab from World Economic Forum brags about, is also called 4IR and Industry...
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AIDS Anthony Fauci ARMI Barrack Obama Bill Gates Gain of Function Research Johnson & Johnson Moderna NIH

Fauci Oversees Project Testing AIDS Drugs on Foster Children

Anthony Fauci at NIH (and his wife Christine Grady who runs the bioethics department) were in charge when the following...
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ARMI Birx Dean Kamen Department of Defense DoD Gain of Function Research Johnson & Johnson Lonza Microsoft Moderna University System of NH (USNH) World Government Summit

ARMI, Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson

ARMI is a Department of Defense organization that was set up to funnel University System of New Hampshire graduates into...
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Agenda 2030 Anthony Fauci ARMI Bill Gates Blog Dartmouth Dean Kamen Decade of Vaccines Department of Defense DoD Gain of Function Research Moderna NIH

Does the US Gov’t Jointly Own a Covid Vaccine?

and it appears as though Moderna and Fauci's NIH are working together. Below is more supporting information on that from...
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Agenda 2030 ID2020

It’s not the ‘Tracker’ you imagine (yet)

People are going to be needing the shot to get tracked, but maybe not in the way that you think...
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4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) Agenda 2030 AI Bill Gates Genetic Editing Humans 2.0 Klaus Schwab Microsoft Transhumanism World Economic Forum

Great Reset Partners with Agenda 2030

In case you didn't know... The World Economic Forum (aka Great Reset, aka Klaus Schwab and pals who say you...
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Governor Chris Sununu NH Constitution

The Most Important Blog You’ll Read This Year

Federal debt contracts are being drawn, signed and agreed upon by the Governor, his council and the agents of the...
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Charles Lieber China DARPA DoD Genetic Editing Humans 2.0 Thousand Talents Plan

Charles Lieber nanotechnology

Maybe Charles Lieber plays more roles than just hydrogel nanotechnology used in Covid jabs (alt link) Leiber was Sponsored by...
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4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) AI Elon Musk Genetic Editing Google Humans 2.0 Microsoft Paypal Transhumanism World Government Summit

Humans 2.0 and Edge Master Classes

Edge Master Classes.. where the parasite class would get together and talk about how to become the 'Masters' of the...
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Anthony Fauci Barrack Obama Bill Gates Charles Lieber Donald Trump Gain of Function Research Joe Biden NIH

Francis Collins steps down as Director of NIH

Last month, Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, decided he was going to 'step down' from his...
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Agenda 2030 AI Blog Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum

Fakebook Wont Let me Post this Video

It makes you wonder why facebook wont allow you to post a clip from the World Economic Forum, doesn't it?...
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Sununu & WEF’s ‘Disease X’

Sununu & WEF’s ‘Disease X’

Protected: DSR-101.00

Is the CIA Operating a Power Grab Behind the Front of MAXIMUS?

Is the CIA Operating a Power Grab Behind the Front of MAXIMUS?

Ghislaine Maxwell, NSA, the FBI & the WEF

Trump NOW has Grazing The Surface Info

Trump NOW has Grazing The Surface Info

NH College Systems hijacked by the DOD

NH College Systems hijacked by the DOD



Nikki Haley & Klaus Schwab

Nikki Haley & Klaus Schwab

Dean Kamen and Jeffrey Epstein

Dean Kamen and Jeffrey Epstein

Let’s Talk AYOTTE.

Let’s Talk AYOTTE.

Obama-Biden Administration Linked To Ghislaine Maxwell’s Hideout House Where She Got Arrested

Obama-Biden Administration Linked To Ghislaine Maxwell’s Hideout House Where She Got Arrested

John Hopkins and Skull & Bones

John Hopkins and Skull & Bones

Map #92: Fauci Family Conflicts of Interest

Map #92: Fauci Family Conflicts of Interest

Map #104: Sununu & Family: How deep does the swamp go?

Map #104: Sununu & Family: How deep does the swamp go?

New Hampshire Connections to Agenda 2030

New Hampshire Connections to Agenda 2030

FBI & The World Economic Forum

FBI & The World Economic Forum

Johnson & Johnson and Event 201

Johnson & Johnson and Event 201

Birx & Clinton: Family Ties

Birx & Clinton: Family Ties

Who was at the 2023 WEF Annual Event?

Who was at the 2023 WEF Annual Event?

Stealing Elections in New Hampshire

Stealing Elections in New Hampshire

Bill Gates is Making Virtual Humans

Bill Gates is Making Virtual Humans"Microsoft is developing technology that will allow it to recreate someone, dead or alive, as a chatbot."Do you think...
What is Sununu Doing in NH?

What is Sununu Doing in NH?

You now know that Sununu attended the World Government Summit paid for by the Prince of Dubai with Dean Kamen...
Population Control

Population Control

How's that population control working out? We have not had the number of births necessary for a generation to replace...
Corvelva links 560 cancer genes to common vaccine ingredient

Corvelva links 560 cancer genes to common vaccine ingredient

Genetic Sequencing of Common Vaccine Finds Entire Male Genome from Aborted Baby 560 Genes Linked to Cancer Immortal fetal cell...
Nikki Haley & Klaus Schwab

Nikki Haley & Klaus Schwab

Nikki Haley and the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab consorte to a globalist takeover in Agenda 2030 according to Schwab's...
Salesforce Executives Sold You Out

Salesforce Executives Sold You Out

In case you're supporting Salesforce, you really aught to know- - Salesforce is campaigning for the World Economic Forum (and...
This will get you thrown in Facebook Jail

This will get you thrown in Facebook Jail

The screenshot below of the World Government Summit 'Strategic Partners' is from Don't try posting this on Facebook, or...
FBI & The World Economic Forum

FBI & The World Economic Forum

Many people are praising the new twitter documents recently found implicating foul play even though recent reports implicate the FBI...
Crooked Organizations In Charge of Vaccine Deployment

Crooked Organizations In Charge of Vaccine Deployment

Even if you still trust the CDC (and you should reconsider, because they are a FOR PROFIT organization that hides...
Charles Lieber nanotechnology

Charles Lieber nanotechnology

Maybe Charles Lieber plays more roles than just hydrogel nanotechnology used in Covid jabs (alt link) Leiber was Sponsored by...
Sununu & WEF’s ‘Disease X’

Sununu & WEF’s ‘Disease X’

... Does Governor Chris Sununu want to tell us about 'Disease X,' which was listed on the World Government Summit...
One World Government

One World Government

(without your consent) NH Governor Sununu and Dean Kamen enjoy an all day retreat at the desert camp of Dubai's...
Is Sununu Embezzling Money with his Friends?

Is Sununu Embezzling Money with his Friends?

How do we know how much Kamen personally profited off that China PPE that Governor Sununu unlawfully purchased last year?...
NH College Systems hijacked by the DOD

NH College Systems hijacked by the DOD

The University System of New Hampshire has been consumed by the government and the Department of Defense set up with...
World Economic Forum’s Dr. Harari: Humans are Now Hackable Animals

World Economic Forum’s Dr. Harari: Humans are Now Hackable Animals

2020 World Economic Annual Meeting: Transhumanist Dr. Yuval Noah Harari talks about how humans are now hackable animals: Video...
Gavi, Gates & Rockefeller

Gavi, Gates & Rockefeller

It appears as though GAVI (Global Action Vaccine Initiative) runs parallel to the 'Decade of Vaccine's' promotional organization was the...
Epstein, Maxwell & Prince Andrew

Epstein, Maxwell & Prince Andrew

Speaking of rabbit hole, Check out this picture of Jeffrey Epstein's 'girlfriend' Ghislaine Maxwell and Prince Andrew: Did you know...
Northwood, NH Elementary: Sex Ed & Gender IDs

Northwood, NH Elementary: Sex Ed & Gender IDs

Can anyone explain why Northwood school refers to this document as a guide for education? Listed right in their 'Wellness'...
Was NH distributing Russian Vodka in it’s Own State Liquor Campaign?

Was NH distributing Russian Vodka in it’s Own State Liquor Campaign?

That executive order can be found here. This is not the first time that Russian liquor has made political headlines....
Birx & Clinton: Family Ties

Birx & Clinton: Family Ties

Dr. Deborah Birx's husband Paige Reffe was the Deputy Assistant & Director of Advance for President Bill Clinton. (Deborah Birx...
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