Crooked Organizations In Charge of Vaccine Deployment

Even if you still trust the CDC (and you should reconsider, because they are a FOR PROFIT organization that hides under a non-profit umbrella and hold DOZENS of patents), HAVE. A. LOOK. at the organizations teaming up on delegating vaccine deployment from this .pdf you can download:…/WHO-2019-nCoV-Vaccine_deployment… Page 6 lists the following Crooked organizations …

Gavi, Gates & Rockefeller

It appears as though GAVI (Global Action Vaccine Initiative) runs parallel to the ‘Decade of Vaccine’s’ promotional organization was the Global Vaccine Action Plan. Both of them have Bill Gates written all over it. The Decade of Vaccines was a board with Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, WHO & Unicef which started in 2010 (which …